2016 Bookish Resolutions
Yet another new year is here. I always have a list of resolutions at the end of every year only for them to go out the window by the end of January. They’re the usual: eat healthy, exercise, lose weight, have more patience. Inevitably they end up looking more like: going to McDonald’s, not stepping a foot in the gym, staying my same weight, and losing all patience. This year, I decided to be more realistic and stick with more book related resolutions.
Use a dedicated reading journal
Seeing as how I’ve been an avid reader since I was eight I’ve read a ridiculous amount of books. I couldn’t tell you all of them. I could tell you all my favorites, but that’s a whole different post. I’d like to be able to write down and look back on all the books I’ll be reading this year. So far, I’ve read two books and, yes, they’re both written down. I’ll be re-reading books too that I can get around to writing down as well.
Start a book blog
Well, what do you know? I started a blog. There’s more to me starting a blog though. I don’t want to start this blog only to disappear for months at a time. I’m no fortune teller, as awesome as that would be, but I would like to remain dedicated to this blog I just started. I don’t see myself not reading anymore so there should be plenty of reviews and recommendations to write about.
Join a book club
Which I did! I joined a book club and my first meet up with them is January 12th. The book we are reading is The Good Girl by Mary Kubica. I’m really looking forward to girl’s night outs and not at your usual clubs or bars, but coffee shops and the pleasure of talking about books! Now that’s my kind of partying. Be jealous of the party animal I am. And again, I don’t want to join a book club only to disappear after one meeting. I’d like to remain dedicated to the book club I joined.
Put a noticeable dent in my to be read pile of books
I buy a lot of books. I buy books just to buy books. I buy more than one book at a time. I buy so many books I do not have a to be read book or two. I call it my to be read mountain. Think of Mount Everest and you’ll have some idea to the amount of unread books I have. This year will be the year of more reading, less buying, which brings me to my last and final resolution:
Only buy books that are the next book in a series I already read
That’s it. No more books other than that. This will be beyond difficult for me. I can’t walk into a bookstore without walking out with, at least, 2-3 books or going onto bookoutlet and buying 20+ books (have you seen their prices?!) and now I’m telling myself to only get books in series I’ve already read. So, no starting a new series I don’t already own. Torture. Not to mention I bought new bookshelves which opened up so much space! I must fill in that space with more books, but I must get my to be read mountain down to at least a hill. The struggle is real.

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